Staff Information
Prof. Akmer Mutlu
Assoc. Professor
CV: Download
About Me

Prof. Akmer graduated from the School of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of Hacettepe University in 1998.

She was enrolled in the M.Sc. program in the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Institute of Health Sciences, Hacettepe University in the same year.

In 1999, she started to work as a research assistant in the Cerebral Palsy Unit, School of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of Hacettepe University.

In 2001, she received her M.Sc. degree and joined the Ph.D. program which she successfully completed in 2008. She later began to work as a lecturer in the same department. 

In 2009, she received her "Assist. Professor" degree from Hacettepe University.

In different periods, she worked as a researcher on Prechtl Analysis of Newborns and Infants in the Institute of Physiology, Austria, Graz School of Medicine and as a "pre-doctoral fellow" at Northwestern University and the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago in United States of America. 

Dr. Akmer Mutlu is also the author of many publications and presentations.​

She is currently working as a lecturer for the Cerebral Palsy Unit in the clinical and research field. 



Research Interest

​High risk infants, early intervention, general movements of preterm and term infants with Prechtl Analysis, children with cerebral palsy and other childhood disabilities and their rehabilitation.

Other Information
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