Staff Information
Dr. Dania Qutishat
Assistant Proffesor of Physical Therapy
CV: Download
About Me

·Dr. Qutishat holds a PhD in Physiotherapy from Sheffield Hallam University/ UK.

·She is the course leader for "Therapeutic Exercise 1 & 2“, adopting an experiential learning approach as students engage in community-based projects to promote physical activity. 

·She launched an initiative called "Moving for health" to raise awareness about physical activity guidelines and encourage staff and students to be more active. ​


​PT, PhD

Research Interest

Her research interests include physical activity assessment and interventions, and physiotherapy education. ​

Other Information
Contact Us
Jordan University of Science and Technology
P.O.Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan
Tel. : + 962 (0) 2 7201000 Ext (26921)
Fax : + 962 (0) 2 7095123
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