Staff Information
Andreia Carvalho Habib
Clinical supervisor of ERASMUS students and a lecturer of a seminar in cognitive rehabilitation.
CV: Download
About Me

Andreia​ has initiated her professional experience as an occupational therapist with children with mental handicap.

Since 2003, she has been working as an occupational therapist in the Rehabilitation Center of Alcoitão (Centro de Medicina de Reabilitação do Alcoitão) with persons with neurologic dysfunctions (due to CVA, TBI) as out patients and inpatients.

She has been a collaberator with the Occupational Therapy Department since 2008 as a clinical supervisor of ERASMUS students and as a lecturer of a seminar in cognitive rehabilitation.


BsC in Occupational Therapy .​

Research Interest
Other Information
Contact Us
Jordan University of Science and Technology
P.O.Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan
Tel. : + 962 (0) 2 7201000 Ext (26921)
Fax : + 962 (0) 2 7095123
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"This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The website reflects the views only of author, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the informaion contained therein."