Staff Information
António Alves Lopes
Principal lecturer at ESSA
CV: Download
About Me

​António is a Physiotherapist with a Master degree in Physiotherapy Sciences and currently developing his PhD in Health Technologies and Information. 

He currently is a Principal lecturer at ESSA, responsible for the area of cardio-respiratory educational issues at the bachelor and master level. 

He is also responsible for e-learning strategies and platform at the institution and several other projects (national and international).

António​ is expertised in planning and implementing LLL education. and has been involved in the curricular reformulation of the institution, towards new learning strategies; participated in the organization of several international programmes on life-long learning projects.

He also participated in the development of the Physiotherapy Master and developed material resources for teachers and students.


MSc in Physiotherapy Sciences​

Research Interest
Other Information
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Jordan University of Science and Technology
P.O.Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan
Tel. : + 962 (0) 2 7201000 Ext (26921)
Fax : + 962 (0) 2 7095123
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"This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The website reflects the views only of author, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the informaion contained therein."