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Hacettepe Universitesi

Hacettepe University, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department was first founded in 1961 by Prof. Dr. İhsan Doğramacı as a part of Ank​ara University, Health Sciences School. In 1964, Ankara University, Hacettepe Medical and Health Sciences Faculty was reconfigured as Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation School. In 2007, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation School was affiliated to Faculty of Health Sciences and renamed as the Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department.

The department offers a 4-year Bachelor's degree, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy programs since 1967. Besides, it offers some MSc. And PhD programs in Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, Sports Physiotherapy, and Prosthetics-Orthotics and Biomechanics.  ​

Master programs in Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation within the context of the Institute of Health Sciences started in 1967-68 academic year. Graduates who have completed this program can use their deepened and developed competencies at the level of expertise in clinical and academic studies at the various specialized areas of physiotherapy and rehabilitation and carry out advanced professional practice and research. Master's degree graduates acquire the degree of Master of Science. Currently, there are about 91 MSc. students at all programs.

The Doctorate program started in 1967-68 academic year. Graduates, who have completed this program, can carry out an original research at the various specialized areas in physiotherapy and rehabilitation independently, can interpret and comment scientific events with a broader and deeper perspective and can determine the necessary steps to achieve new methods and applications. They are expected to carry high-level skills acquired in training and research to their national and international clinical and academic works. PhD graduates of physiotherapy and rehabilitation program acquire a Doctor of Science Degree. Currently, there are 102 Ph.D. students at all programs

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Jordan University of Science and Technology
P.O.Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan
Tel. : + 962 (0) 2 7201000 Ext (26921)
Fax : + 962 (0) 2 7095123
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