
JUST-CRS has set up an online educational e-learning system, a new trend pedagogy, as a distance learning methodology that accompanies traditional classroom experience to encourage independent and collaborative learning. 

This innovative tool, led by our partner from Portugal; ESSA and hosted by JUST E-learning Center, allows online modules to be adopted within the master's program and shared with all partners and their affiliated instructors, staff, students and clinicians. All courses were implemented through the JUSTLEARN System, exclusively for CRS program.​


Log in at JUST Learn


  • Use your JUST log in username and password 


  • Use your CRS log in name and password

External audit: 

  • Contact project manager for immadiate access at msnazzal@just.edu.jo

​​JUST-CRS MOOC Initiative​

The JUST-CRS project and program is an innovative project that used technology to serve its purpose. Part of our many work packages and outcomes from this project, aside from the master program, is creating an online platform of continuing professional education. Our targets are not only our students, but the practicing occupational and physical therapists all over.


To serve this purpose, we have created a number of Massive Open Online Courses (known as MOOCS) on a variety of topics in rehabilitation sciences.

​All these MOOC courses are available for free through Maharat MOOC Platform. All courtesy of the EU Erasmus Plus fund and JUST. This platform is an initiative by the Center for E-learning and Open Education Resources at JUST

The intended goal for our work is to reach for more therapists and rehabilitation students in Jordan and the Arab World. Also, these MOOCS should serve as taster courses for what to expect in our master.


In JUST-CRS, our ultimate goal is to improve the quality of interdisciplinary clinical rehabilitation Services and to build the capacity of the Rehabilitation higher education and also the practicing therapists…


​List of MOOCs:

  1. Theory and application of sensory processing in children with ADS
  2. Outcome Measures in Neurorehabilitaiton
  3. NeuroAnatomy
  4. Principle of Upper Extremity Static Splinting
  5. Occupational Therapy Task-Oriented Rehabilitation Post-Stroke
  6. Sleep disturbances and fatigue: The role of neuro-rehabilitation specialists
  7. Physical Activity promotion as part of healthcare
  8. Shared Theories, Models and Frames of References
  9. Introduction to the lumbar Spine Rehabilitation
  10. Neck Assessment & Treatment: Evidence-based Practice
  11. Research Ethics in Clinical Rehabilitation sciences
  12. Advances in Pain Neuroscience & Pain Education
  13. Research Methods in Clinical Rehabilitation Sciences​

Contact Us
Jordan University of Science and Technology
P.O.Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan
Tel. : + 962 (0) 2 7201000 Ext (26921)
Fax : + 962 (0) 2 7095123
Email: justcrs@just.edu.jo
Stay in Touch
"This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The website reflects the views only of author, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the informaion contained therein."