News - Ms. Hourani, a CRS student, participated...
Ms. Hourani, a CRS student, participated in an International Mental Health Conference

Ms. Dalia Hourani, one of our first cohort CRS graduates, had participated in the 5th International Conference on Mental Health and Rehabilitation” that was held at Geneva Hotel, Amman, Jordan, on December 14, 2019.


Dalia has presented the literature Review of her thesis entitled “Participation among Individuals with Schizophrenia in Jordan”. This thesis research is supervised by Dr. Mohammad Nazzal, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences at Jordan University of Science & Technology.


JUST- CRS is an EU Erasmus + funded project that created the first master program in interdisciplinary clinical rehabilitation sciences in Jordan and the Arab World.

Congratulations Dalia for this milestone achievement.

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