News - Mrs. Al-Boriny, a CRS graduate, participated...
Mrs. Al-Boriny, a CRS graduate, participated in an international rehabilitation conference organized by The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan

One of our CRS graduates from the first cohort, Huda Al-Boriny, had participated in the First the International Scientific Conference on Special Education “Accessibility to Knowledge Content for Persons with Disabilities" organized by Queen Rania Faculty for Childhood at The Hashemite University in Zarqa, Jordan. It was hold on 13-14 November, 2019.

Huda has participated in the event with a scientific paper entitled “Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Project: Rural Rehabilitation Project (RRP) among Era & Yarqa villages”. This paper was coauthored by other CRS graduates; Ismael Faloogy, Nedal Ranteesi, Sabreen Obaid, and Amani Aardah.  


JUST- CRS is an EU Erasmus + funded project that created the first master program in interdisciplinary clinical rehabilitation sciences in Jordan and the Arab World. JUST-CRS Master Program is offered at the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences at the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences at Jordan University of Science & Technology.


Congratulations Huda and the group of CRS graduates for this amazing professional milestone.

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