A group of the 2nd patsh of students from the Interdisciplinary Clinical Rehabilitation Sciences’ Master program from Jordan University of Science & Technology have started their clinical training journey in Lisbon, Portugal, where the students will be hosted at the Escola Superior De Saúde Do Alcoitão (ESSA) in Estoril. This is part of the implementation activities of the EU-funded JUST-CRS Clinical Rehabilitation Sciences project (EU Erasmus Plus Program). Five students from the program will spend 2-month clinical training at the occupational (OT) and physical therapy (PT) clinics at Centro de Medicina de Reabilitação de Alcoitão, Centro de Reabilitação de Paralisia Cerebral Calouste Gulbenkian (CRPCCG) and Fisiológica.
Prof. Antonio Alves Lopes, the project coordinator in ESSA, stated: “This experience is very important because it will allow the development of the students clinical competencies in an interdisciplinary and multicultural context”.
Prof. Silvia Martins from occupational therapy stated “It is very important that the students can see in place the many different responses that Portugal has developed to promote health and wellbeing of persons with disabilities, to get inspired to find their own responses in Jordan, mainly in the community field”.
Thank you ESSA team for your great collaboration and continued support.
Thanks to the EU Erasmus Plus Program for support and fund of the whole project; students' travel and cost of stay are covered.
The Interdisciplinary Clinical Rehabilitation Sciences’ Master program is hosted at the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences in the Applied Medical Sciences Faculty of Jordan University of Science & Technology in Jordan.